Dept of Tranportation USDOT#2902083
Motor Carrier MC#976417
We currently have 4 party buses. They are all state inspected, licensed, and insured which exceed the states requirements. We strive to provide only the best experience for any event! Don't be fooled be companies who are operating without insurance or the proper permits. Your safety is the main priority.
All 4 Fun, LLC. was founded in 2014 in Orange City and purchased in 2016. We plan to upgrade both buses with new and exciting technology and comfort. We looked forward to the coming years as we grow the business and offer a great experience.
The state of Iowa requires a $1,500,000 minimum liability insurance for buses under 16 passengers. The state also requires a minumum of $5,000,000 minimum liability coverage for any bus over 16 passengers. We exceed the $5,000,000 minimum on all of our buses! All companies are also required to meet all safety standards and attend safety seminars in the State to maintain a DOT number and Motor Carriers number to be legal. Also we must pass random and annual inspections of the buses. Not all companies are required to Motor Carrier Certificates. The MC number is required for any transportation that crosses state lines during transportation. The reason we are open about these requirements is because we want you to know that we are legal and so you are not to be fooled by fly-by-night companies that might be unsafe or not legal. If any officer pulls over a party bus they can ground the bus if any of the requirements are not met and your entire group will be without transportation for your event or worse yet, stranded during the trip...
Feel free to contact us at any time by calling
- Party Bus Services
- See Pricing
- All times available to fit your schedule. Bring your own alcohol and plan your trip to any destination within the alloted time frame. If you would like more information on the Adult party Click Here.
- 4 Hour Minimum - Any Hours and Days
- Charged in 30 minute increments after 4 hours
- Requires Damage and Reservation Deposit